Karl Cameron Schiller briefly explains the AstroNematode experiment and starts a flight configuration experiment for NASA safety testing. The goal is to make sure nothing unexpected happens that could pos problems on station. It also gives us a chance to practice setting up the experiment and to streamline our protocols.
Continue ReadingPodcast: Real Meat Without the Animal
Future of Agriculture Podcast Host, Tim Hammerich, interviewed Mr. Mike selden who is the Co-founder and CEO of Finless foods. a startup that aims for a more sustainable future through advanced cellular agriculture technologies. Their projects revolve around growing fish meat and other seafood products from cells. Mike is a trained biochemist and has experience working as a researcher and educator. He also has researched numerous ways to solve food crises in Africa as well as marine conservation in South East Asia. “We’re growing it directly from the cells, so no whole animals are needed after that first initial sample.” – Mike Selden Explaining the case for cell-grown meat and why it’s exciting.… Read More
Continue ReadingEver wonder why biocontrol nematodes go to ISS!
Dr. Kaplan, CEO of Pheronym explains in this video why beneficial nematodes (AstroNematodes), the biocontrol organisms for agricultural pest control, are going to International Space Station.
Continue ReadingPodcast: Synthetic Biology
Future of Agriculture Podcast Host, Tim Hammerich, interviewed Dr. John Cumbers who is the founder of SynBioBeta. He received his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry from Brown University, his MSc in Bioinformatics from Edinburgh University, and a degree in Computer Science with Information Engineering from the University of Hull. He explains what SynBioBeta stands for, what they want to accomplish, and the innovations we can look forward to as consumers. He shares his thoughts on lab-grown meat, the Anti-GMO crowds, and the future of Mars exploration. John also discusses what we can look forward to from their Beta Space Event. Listen podcast “Synthetic biology is not actually what you do – it’s… Read More
Continue ReadingAstroNematode inspire kids
AstroNematode project inspires kids to do science at the Internation Space Station. Below is a plan for a science project prepared by Kaya Han Schiller, age of 11. His ant farms and factories and how he is contained then in one place.
Continue ReadingPreparing NASA safety documents for AstroNematode project
Pheronym’s founders are preparing NASA safety documents for the AstroNematode project. Dr. Fatma Kaplan Mr. Karl Cameron Schiller
Continue ReadingPartnership with Future of Agriculture; Interstellar Agriculture podcasts
Thank you Tim Hammerich and Future of Agriculture podcast for preparing 4 podcast about intersteller agriculture. The podcasts will be released monthly until sending beneficial nematodes to International Space Station US National Laboratory on December 4, 2019. We also thank our amazing speakers in the following podcasts, hosted by Tim Hammerich at Future of Agriculture Podcast. Episode #1 (8/21): Farming in Space: Interview with Dr. Ray Wheeler, Plant Physiologist at NASA. More information about the episode can be found here and listen to podcast. Episode #2 (9/18): Synthetic Biology Interview with Dr. John Cumbers, Founder of Synbiobeta. Episode #3 (10/30): Nematodes in space! Interview with Dr. Fatma Kaplan and Mr.… Read More
Continue ReadingPodcast: Farming in Space
Future of Agriculture Podcast Host Tim Hammerich interviewed Dr. Ray Wheeler who is a NASA’s Plant Physiologist and the lead for Advanced Life Support Research activities in the Exploration Research and Technology Program at Kennedy Space Center. Listen to Future of Agriculture, interview with Dr. Wheeler “Farming in Space“.Here are some of Dr. Wheeler’s research which he talks about in this podcast. You can also listen to the podcast at PlayerFM, Applepodcasts The research he’s conducted that has made it in today’s agriculture industry. How NASA helped in terrestrial applications of space farming. His recent projects that could be applied commercially in the future. Solving the ever-increasing CO2 emissions with… Read More
Continue ReadingSamples for NASA safety tests
We are very excited to move forward with safety requirements to send Astronematode to ISS. Here are some of the samples we are preparing for safety tests.
Continue ReadingAstroNematode at the Society of Nematologist Meeting
I am honored to be invited to present Astronematode project at the Society of Nematodlogist (SON) meeting. It was great opprotunity to meet and talk great nematologists. Dr. Kaplan, CEO of Pheronym, is presenting
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